April 26, 2024 Rafael Miguel

How do you keep shearling slippers Fluffy?


Shearling slippers are prized for their warmth, comfort, and luxurious feel. With proper care and maintenance, you can preserve the fluffy and cozy texture of your shearling slippers for years to come. In this guide, we will explore effective techniques and tips for keeping shearling slippers fluffy, including cleaning methods, drying techniques, and proper storage practices.

shearling slippers

How do you keep shearling slippers Fluffy?

I. Gentle Cleaning Methods

  1. Brushing:

  • Regularly brushing your shearling slippers is an essential step in maintaining their fluffiness. Use a soft-bristled brush or suede brush to gently remove any dirt or debris that may accumulate on the surface. Brushing in the direction of the shearling fibers helps to restore their natural fluff and appearance.
  1. Spot Cleaning:

  • If you notice any stains or spills on your shearling slippers, it’s important to address them promptly. Blot the affected area with a clean, damp cloth to absorb the stain. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing vigorously, as this can damage the delicate shearling fibers. Use a mild, non-abrasive, and shearling-friendly cleaner to treat the stain following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  1. Dry Cleaning:

  • For more stubborn stains or when spot cleaning isn’t sufficient, professional dry cleaning may be necessary. Seek out a reputable dry cleaner experienced in handling shearling products. Be sure to inform them about the specific care requirements for your shearling slippers to ensure they are properly cleaned without causing damage.

shearling slippers

II. Proper Drying Techniques

  1. Air Drying:

  • After cleaning or if your shearling slippers get wet from moisture or snow, it’s crucial to dry them properly to prevent damage and maintain their fluffiness. Start by gently removing any excess moisture with a dry cloth. Then, stuff the slippers with crumpled newspaper or clean, dry towels to help maintain their shape. Place them in a well-ventilated area away from direct heat or sunlight, allowing them to air dry naturally. Avoid using heaters or hair dryers, as excessive heat can cause the shearling to become brittle or shrink.
  1. Shake and Fluff:

  • Once your shearling slippers are dry, give them a gentle shake to loosen any flattened or compacted fibers. Then, use your fingers to fluff up the shearling, carefully working through the fibers to restore their natural fluffy texture.

III. Storing and Protecting

  1. Keep Away from Moisture:

  • Moisture can damage shearling slippers, leading to matting and mildew growth. Store your slippers in a dry and well-ventilated area, away from sources of moisture such as humidifiers or damp basements. If you live in a particularly humid climate, consider using moisture-absorbing products, such as silica gel packets, within the storage area.
  1. Avoid Direct Sunlight:

  • Extended exposure to direct sunlight can cause the shearling to fade and become brittle. Store your shearling slippers away from direct sunlight or use UV-protective covers if storing them in an area with natural light.
  1. Use Proper Shoe Inserts:

  • To help retain the fluffiness and shape of your shearling slippers, consider using shoe or boot inserts when they’re not being worn. These inserts provide gentle support, helping to prevent the slippers from collapsing or losing their shape over time.
  1. Invest in Storage Bags or Boxes:

  • To protect your shearling slippers from dust, dirt, and potential damage when not in use, consider storing them in breathable storage bags or boxes specifically designed for footwear. These containers will help maintain the fluffiness of the slippers and keep them protected between uses.

shearling slippers

IV. Extra Care Tips

  1. Rotate Usage:

  • Regularly rotating between multiple pairs of shearling slippers can help extend their lifespan and prevent excessive wear and tear. Alternating usage allows the slippers to air out and recover their natural fluffiness between wears.
  1. Avoid Excessive Wear Outdoors:

  • Shearling slippers are primarily designed for indoor use. Minimize wearing them outdoors, particularly in wet or muddy conditions, as exposure to these elements can lead to damage and preventable wear.
  1. Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions:

  • It’s crucial to refer to the care instructions provided by the manufacturer of your shearling slippers. Different shearling products may have unique care requirements, and following these guidelines will help ensure that you’re treating your slippers correctly to maintain their fluffiness.

shearling slippers

VI. Refreshing the Fluff

  1. Steam Treatment:

  • Over time, the shearling fibers in your slippers may become flattened or matted. To refresh the fluffiness, you can use a gentle steam treatment. Hold the slippers over a pot of gently simmering water, making sure to keep them at a safe distance from the steam. Allow the steam to penetrate the shearling fibers, and then use your fingers or a soft brush to fluff up the fibers while they are still warm and pliable.
  1. Tumble-Dry with Tennis Balls:

  • Another method to restore the fluffiness of your shearling slippers is to tumble-dry them with tennis balls. Place the slippers and a couple of clean tennis balls in a dryer on a no-heat or low-heat setting. The tennis balls will bounce around inside the dryer, gently fluffing up the shearling fibers. This technique helps to restore the natural volume and bounce of the slippers.
  1. Shake and Beat:

  • Give your shearling slippers a good shake and beat them gently against a soft surface, such as a rug or carpet. This action helps to loosen any trapped dirt or debris and revives the natural fluffiness of the shearling. Use this method periodically to maintain the optimal fluff in your slippers.

VII. Dealing with Odor

  1. Dry Baking Soda Treatment:

  • Occasionally, shearling slippers may develop an odor over time. To address this issue, sprinkle a small amount of baking soda inside your slippers, focusing on the footbed. Leave the baking soda overnight to absorb any unpleasant smells. The next day, simply shake or brush off the baking soda before wearing your slippers.
  1. Fresh Air Exposure:

  • Allowing your shearling slippers to air out regularly is essential for preventing odors from becoming trapped. When not in use, leave your slippers in a well-ventilated area, such as near an open window or on a porch, to promote fresh air circulation. This practice helps to minimize any lingering odors and keep your slippers smelling fresh.

VIII. Professional Maintenance

  1. Shearling-Specific Cleaning Services:

  • If you prefer to leave the care and maintenance of your shearling slippers to professionals, consider seeking out shearling-specific cleaning services. These providers have the expertise and specialized equipment to clean and restore your slippers while preserving their fluffiness and texture. Research and choose a reputable and experienced service provider to ensure the best care for your shearling slippers.
  1. Resoling and Repairs:

  • Over time, the soles of your shearling slippers may wear out or become damaged. If this occurs, it’s best to consult a professional cobbler or shoe repair service that specializes in shearling footwear. They can assess the condition of the soles and determine the best course of action to restore or replace them, ensuring the longevity and continued fluffiness of your slippers.

shearling slippers

V. Conclusion: Preserving the Fluffiness of Shearling Slippers

Shearling slippers offer unparalleled warmth and comfort, and with the proper care and maintenance, you can keep them fluffy and cozy for years to come. By following gentle cleaning methods, employing proper drying techniques, and storing your slippers correctly, you’ll help maintain their luxurious texture and extend their lifespan.

Regular brushing, spot cleaning, and occasional professional dry cleaning will ensure your shearling slippers stay clean and free from stains. Proper drying techniques, such as air drying and fluffing, will prevent damage and maintain their fluffy appearance. Storing the slippers in a dry, cool environment and avoiding direct sunlight or excessive moisture will further protect their texture and integrity.

By incorporating these care tips into your routine and giving your shearling slippers the attention they deserve, you can enjoy their warmth, comfort, and fluffiness for many cozy seasons to come.
